
Pharmacy 2U

Get help with weight loss from our UK-based Online Doctor service. Our convenient and confidential service allows you to find a solution for your condition at a time that works for you.

Simply answer a few questions, and our doctors will review your responses and prescribe a treatment if appropriate. Your medication will then be discreetly delivered to your preferred address using Royal Mail.

You could be eligible for our weight loss treatments if:

  • you are aged 18 to 75 and;

  • you have a BMI over 30 or;

  • you have a BMI over 27 and have been diagnosed with a condition that is made worse by weight gain, such as a heart condition


Medications offered



Xenical works by preventing enzymes in the intestine from breaking down dietary fats into a form that can be absorbed into the body. As a result, around 30% of the fat in the diet is passed through the digestive system without being absorbed and calorie intake reduces.

  • 84 capsule £62.00

  • 168 capsule £115.00

  • 42 capsule £40.00



Mysimba is a prescription only treatment to aid weight loss. It contains a combination of two active ingredients naltrexone and bupropion, which help to reduce appetite and cravings.

From £110.00




Wegovy is a medicine intended to encourage weight loss, self-administered once a week as an injection; it comes in pre-filled injection pens. It’s designed to assist individuals on their weight loss journey


From £169 – £269


Visit Pharmacy2U

We provide clinical support to reach a healthy, sustainable weight. Our services are regulated by the Care Quality Commission and our UK-based Doctors are GMC-registered.

£62 - £269 /Per Month

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